Wednesday, July 30, 2014

10 Things to Know When You're Married

I'm not the foremost expert on being married by any stretch of the imagination, but I am learning.  Sometimes, it's not easy. Nothing worth its beans ever is easy. These are simply observations that I've noted along life's path. Also, these are in no particular order.
-Be kind. Always.
-Take your time getting married.  Choose the right person who will be your champion, best friend, lover, and companion.
-Let the person be him/herself.  You can't change a person, and if you love them, don't try.  (Only they can change themselves.)  
-Don't play the blame game. Find a solution.
-Give sincere compliments! Thank them for a hard day at work.  Realize they are busting their hump to make life good for the both of you. There is something to be said for having a grateful heart.
-Marriage is not disposable. People are not disposable.
-Listen! It’s easy to tune the world out, even understandable sometimes, but try to make every effort to listen. It is so important! (I have been guilty of this with EVERYONE and I vow to work on my listening skills.)
-Laugh. A lot.  It’s good medicine for the soul and good for couples to be silly and to laugh together.
-Respect each other enough to be vulnerable, to lay one’s emotions out for the other to see.  This one is hard for me, but I do it in my time.