Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death

I resent when people whine for something and expect to have it given to them, like the gift is their rightful due. No. It’s not. Welfare, affordable healthcare…no. Not a right. Sorry to break it to you liberal and socialist self-entitled, wanting the nanny state to do everything for them, wussies. Those are privileges that should be earned, otherwise maybe everyone should just quit their jobs and live off the largesse of the government.
For example, I don’t want to pay for a perfectly healthy person on welfare diagnosed with depression.  The cure for depression is working one’s booty off, not sitting at home munching on Doritos. It is.  Exercise has proven to be just as, if not more, effective to dealing with normal cases of depression. I digress, though.  However, I don’t mind helping out a poor person with multiple sclerosis. Or having my taxes go toward helping retired people.  I’m just saying too many people are on social security and welfare that do not need to be.
Say what you will about capitalism, it most definitely is not a perfect system, but at least it ‘motivates’ people to work hard.  The greatest threat to our way of life is simply complacence. Of letting the government, or some other entity, take over because it is easier for us to permit other people making decisions on our ‘behalf’.
Do we really want that? Do we really want others (i.e. the government) to decide when or if we can see a doctor?  Or get denied for chemotherapy and have a medical panel offer assisted suicide because of a late stage diagnosis of cancer? (Real case in Oregon, by the way. He fought, won, and then died after a couple of treatments.)  Do we really want to accept financial handouts from the big ‘G’? 
If the answer to all those questions is “No.”, then congratulations.  You are a normal person possessing intelligence. If yes, well, you’re brainwashed and good luck to you.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Happy Monday

The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’ –Sigmund Freud
Short answer: The world will never know for sure.
Long answer:  Depends on the woman.  Some, like me, have aspirations of a quiet life lived with contentment. (EXCEPT I would indulge in one extravagant thing: an indoor pool.)  Others are more career and money focused, with dreams of making a name for themselves. Still others have no direction or knowledge of themselves and they are adrift on the sea of life.  They content themselves on potato chips, watching their ‘stories’, and sending the kids off to school.
And, I’d hate to break it to Sigmund Freud, but sometimes what a woman wants varies from day to day, at least short term wants such as which restaurant to pick for dinner. I guess ‘most’ (sorry if I’m stereotyping) women’s immediate wants tend to be fluid and hard to pin down. At least mine are because I think of 10,000 excellent possibilities at the same time.  Especially when it comes to picking a place to dine at.
Well, I’m out of time to pontificate.  Have a good Monday!